Researcher of Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille(CPPM), CNRS-IN2P3 and Aix Marseille University.Director of Research at CNRS (法国科学院),
Ph.D in 1991 working on Z to bbar/ccbar decay in the ALEPH experiment at LEP, CERN ,Postdocat Paris University on the H1 experiment.
From 1996 to 1999, worked at the University of Chicago, on the KTEV experiment at Fermilab contributing to Rare decays and CP violation studies with Kaons and Hyperons and responsible for the analysis on the discovery of the Xi0 beta decay.
Since 1999, work at CPPM on the ATLAS experiment. is the ATLAS responsible for the commissioning and operation of the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter and member of the LAR collaboration institute board and executive board. supervising data analysis on Top quark properties, Standard Model di-boson, Higgs and SUSY searches and is author of more than 300 scientific papers.